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Jonah Parzen Johnson & Berke Can Özcan
(US – TK)
Mercoledì – 4 Dicembre 2024 ore 21:00
Cinema Melies, Via della Viola 1. Perugia
(IT) Arrivano in Italia durante il loro tour Europeo per un Tour di tre date con il loro nuovo album It Was Always Time uscito per All About Jazz
Nativo di Istanbul, Özcan è un affermato compositore e produttore, ora residente ad Abu Dhabi è un polistrumentista oltre alla batteria, suona il vibrafono, il gong e il pianoforte. La musica di Özcan comprende jazz, rock, ambient e sperimentale. Compone anche colonne sonore per film e colonne sonore per mostre d’arte. Ha registrato con Arve Henriksen, Kenny Wollesen e molti altri artisti di rilievo.
Nato a Chicago e residente a Brooklyn, Parzen-Johnson ha legami con l’Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians (AACM) e ha lavorato in ensamble afrobeat, spettacoli di teatro e danza e la sua musica tocca sempre jazz,, ambient e sperimentale.
Il loro primo lavoro è l’album It Was Always Time per All About Jazz è un progetto globale su più livelli, in diversi contesti internazionali, gli artisti improvvisano in gran parte attorno ad alcune strutture di base per i sette pezzi. Si tratta di un viaggio attraverso paesaggi sonori che utilizzano i talenti multistrumentali di Özcan e Parzen-Johnson, pur mantenendo un’atmosfera in gran parte minimalista. Solo a metà di “Folk Memory” la musica prende una svolta decisamente diretta verso il noise.
L’elettronica nell’album è spesso sommessa e utilizzata per migliorare l’atmosfera sonora generale, un album magistralmente realizzato, che unisce elettronica ed acustica per fornire uno sfondo sonoro alle melodie del sassofono baritono.
(EN) They arrive in Italy during their European tour, for only three dates, with their album It Was Always Time released on All About Jazz.
A native of Istanbul, Özcan is an accomplished composer and producer, now based in Abu Dhabi, he is a multi-instrumentalist in addition to drums, he plays vibraphone, gong and piano. Özcan’s music includes jazz, rock, ambient and experimental. He also composes soundtracks for films and soundtracks for art exhibitions. He has recorded with Arve Henriksen, Kenny Wollesen and many other notable artists.
Born in Chicago and based in Brooklyn, Parzen-Johnson has ties to the Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians (AACM) and has worked in Afrobeat ensembles, theater and dance performances and his music always touches on jazz, ambient and experimental.
Their first work is the album It Was Always Time for All About Jazz is a multi-layered global project, in different international contexts, the artists largely improvise around some basic structures for the seven pieces. It’s a journey through soundscapes that utilize the multi-instrumental talents of Özcan and Parzen-Johnson, while maintaining a largely minimalist feel.
Only halfway through “Folk Memory” does the music take a decidedly direct turn towards noise. The electronics on the album are often subdued, the masterfully crafted record combining electronics and acoustics to provide a sonic backdrop to the baritone saxophone melodies.
about us
Sacred Noise, musical review since 2015
(IT) La rassegna nasce dal 2015 a Perugia come una costola più articolata della programmazione musicale del locale Bar Chupito, si caratterizza per raccontare le varie scene musicali ed i conseguenti progetti musicali all’interno della musica indipendente internazionale ed italiana, spaziando tra vari generi e contaminazioni, spesso andando appunto oltre i soliti generi o categorie.
Si svolge in luoghi di importanza storico artistica e/o in centri di produzione culturale anche con lo scopo contribuirne alla valorizzazione ed alla promozione.
(EN) The festival was born in 2015 in Perugia as a more elaborate branch of the musical programming of the local Bar Chupito. It is characterized by telling the various musical scenes and the resulting musical projects within independent international and Italian music, ranging from various genres and contaminations, often going beyond the usual genres or categories.
It takes place in places of historical and artistic importance and/or in cultural production centers, also with the aim of contributing to their enhancement and promotion.
The festival is based on the belief that music and the various organizations connected to it cannot detach themselves from the social context in which they are born and in which they express themselves, trying not to descend into contexts of musical self-reference, but contributing to the spread of a wider musical culture that is synonymous with social growth; music breaks down social and cultural barriers regardless of previous cultural backgrounds.
past concerts
Ustad Noor Bakhsh – Giardini del Tempio (Pg)
Catherine Graindorge – Auditorium Santa Cecilia (Pg)
Saroos – Auditorium Santa Cecilia (Pg)
Nadah El Shazly – Auditorium Santa Cecilia (Pg)
Alfio Antico + Mai Mai Mai – Giardini del Tempio (Pg)
Saroos – Cinematografo Comunale Sant’Angelo (Pg)
Hackedepicciotto – Chesa di Sant’Agostino (Pg)
Golden Dawn Orchestra – Piazza Lupattelli (Pg)
Idris Ackamoor And The Pyramids – Teatro Mengoni (Magione)
Al Doum and The Faryds – Giardini del Tempio (Pg)
Maurice Louca + Fulkanelli – Giardini del Tempio (Pg)
Collaborazione Open District ’21 (Pg) – Progetto artistico di rigenerazione urbana
Mamuthones – Spazio Astra (Foligno)
Les Filles de Illighadad – Rework Club (Pg)
Miche Ascher and Andi Haberl – Bar Chupito (Pg)
Jozeph Dumoulin – Palazzo della Penna (Pg)
Matteo Vallicelli + Vaisa – Teatro franco Bicini (Pg)
Chirs Corsano– Palazzo della Penna (Pg)
Andrea Belfi – Teatro Franco Bicini (Pg)
Al Doum and The Faryds – Spazio Astra (Foligno)
Il Sogno del Marinaio w / Rock in Umbria – Auditorium Santa Cecilia (Pg)
Ovo, BigBrave, Gnod – Serendipity Club (Foligno)
Jozep Van Wissem – Bar Chupito (Pg)
Squadra Omega – Auditorium Santa Cecilia (Pg)
Mai Mai Mai – Auditorium Santa Cecilia (Pg)
Gianni Giublena Rosacroce – Auditorium Santa Cecilia (Pg)
Kill The Vultures – Auditorium Santa Cecilia (Pg)
Tom Brosseau – Auditorium Santa Cecilia (Pg)
Sara Neufeld – Auditorium Santa Cecilia (Pg)
La Piramide di Sangue – Auditorium Santa Cecilia (Pg)
Ghedalia Tazartes – Auditorium Santa Cecilia (Pg)
Il Disordine delle Cose – Auditorium Santa Cecilia (Pg)
Mamuthones – Auditorium Santa Cecilia (Pg)
Iosonouncane – Auditorium Santa Cecilia (Pg)
Ottone Pesante – Auditorium Santa Cecilia (Pg)
The Lay Lamas – Auditorium Santa Cecilia (Pg)